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Squid Web Cache documentation

🔗 The Cache Manager API

:warning: This page is a work in progress. It reflects the discoveries by FrancescoChemolli as it tries to implement the new cachemgr framework. It may contain inaccurate informations.

This document details how to implement a multi-cpu cache manager action for Squid 3.2+, following the API framework implemented by AlexRousskov.

🔗 Overview

In order to correctly accumulate information across multi-cpu systems, a framework is needed to accumulate the information across instances so that it can be shown in summarized form to the user.

To that purpose, a few key classes need to be used

🔗 Cache Manager Action Data

It is the blob of information that needs to be passed around instances via IPC mechanisms to accumulate data. Its basic signature is:

    class MyModuleMgrActionData
      MyModuleMgrActionData& operator += (const MyModuleMgrActionData&)
      type1 datamember1;
      type2 datamember2;
      //.. etc

While this signature is not strictly mandatory - as it will be mostly used by the couupled CacheManagerAction class, it is however recommended to use it for consistency.

🔗 Cache Manager Action

It is the module which gets activated when the cache manager framework receives some action request by the user. Its basic signature is:

    #include "mgr/Action.h"
    class MyModuleMgrAction : public Mgr::Action
        MyModuleMgrAction(const Mgr::CommandPointer &cmd);
        virtual void collect();
        virtual void dump(StoreEntry* entry);
        static Pointer Create(const Mgr::CommandPointer &); // factorty method
        virtual void add(const Mgr::Action&);
        virtual void pack(Ipc::TypedMsgHdr&) const;
        virtual void unpack(const Ipc::TypedMsgHdr&);
        MyModuleMgrActionData data;

where Pointer is defined in Mgr::Action as a refcounted pointer to an action; CommandPointer is, likewise, a refcounted pointer to a command.

The data member is used to accumulate data across squid instances. Execution flow is:

  1. one instance gets the cachemgr request; it instantiates a MyModuleMgrAction via its static Create function
  2. (without going in too much detail) this Action’s run() method calls each worker’s collect() method
  3. collect() is supposed to fill in the data member of the MyModuleMgrAction with whatever data is relevant
  4. data is marshaled back to the coordinator process via pack() and unpack()
  5. the Coordinator process uses the Action’s add() method to merge in information from all workers. The Action argument is really a polymorphic reference to the MyModuleMgrAction, and it can safely be dynamic_cast to the right type
  6. once data is accumulated, the dump() method is called to print out the information.

pack() and unpack() can rely on the generic infrastructure available through the IPC libraries, and so they in general will probably look like this:

    MyModuleMgrAction::pack(Ipc::TypedMsgHdr& msg) const
    MyModuleMgrAction::unpack(const Ipc::TypedMsgHdr& msg)

🔗 Registration


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