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πŸ”— Extreme CARP Frontend

πŸ”— Outline

:warning: this is an extreme setup. It is meant to be used in complex environments, where the resources available to the administrator are huge, as are the requests for performance. It is not suited for novice users.

πŸ”— Usage

This example is useful where hundreds-of-megabits performance levels are needed. It requires multiple servers in a triple-layer architecture.

πŸ”— Architecture

The needs for extreme performance may be addressed using a three-layer load-balancing scheme. The basic architecture is laid out in MultiCpuSystem: a farm of caching backends is load-balanced in a smart way by a CARP frontend which performs little or no caching.

The CARP frontend itself may then become the bottleneck, so the architecture calls for load-balancing the frontend itself, using some lower-level mechanism, such as an external load balancer, or using networking-level means.

We assume that:

  1. the administrator has set up a farm of backend servers, using the means suggested in MultipleInstances. Those servers are not directly accessible from clients, and are not internally-load balanced.
  2. the administrator has set up as many frontend servers as he wishes (up to one per CPU core) on the CARP box. Each of those servers has been individually tested and, when explicitly accessed from the client, is working correctly.
  3. the administrator is familiar with his OS of choice’s firewall technology

    πŸ”— Frontend Balancer Alternative 1: iptables

In this example we will be using iptables. The Linux firewall and packet management software.

For this example we’ll use a front-end with four instances, listening on ports 3128, 3129, 3130, 3131. Clients will be accessing the service on port 3128.

The relevant iptables commands are then:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3128 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# 4/4 chance of trying this rule * 0.25 chance of matching = 0.25
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m statistic --mode random \
         --probability 0.25 -m tcp --dport 3128 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3129

# 3/4 chance of trying this rule * 0.33 chance of matching = 0.25
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m statistic --mode random \
         --probability 0.25 -m tcp --dport 3128 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3130

# 2/4 chance of trying this rule * 0.5 chance of matching = 0.25
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m statistic --mode random \
         --probability 0.25 -m tcp --dport 3128 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3131

# 1/4 chance of trying this rule * 1.0 chance of matching = 0.25
# let these go through to port 3128

πŸ”— Frontend Balancer Alternative 2: balance

In this example we will be using balance. A GPL licensed software available at http://www.inlab.de/. The latest version of balance software is 3.54 at the time of this writing.

balance provides the above iptables functionality to very old Linux versions which do not support the random packet selection. It also can be configured to try a different port if a specific target port becomes unavailable. That way, if a squid process died, balance will re-direct the traffic to another squid process on another port.

This is an example on how to run balance to listen on port 3128 and distributes the connections out to a farm of backend squid servers listening on IPv4 localhost ports 3129, 3130, 3131, and 3132.

/PATH/TO/balance 3128

One can configure Linux watchdog or setup a cron job to periodically check and start balance if balance dies. So far, balance software has proved to be reliably stable. balance is a user-space software, and thus its performance may not be as great as those operating in kernel-level.

πŸ”— Others

Other load balancing software exists. iptables and balance appear to be the easiest ones to use (and free).

πŸ”— Additional Infrastructure

As noted in the balance section, there is a possibility that Squid may become unavailable. When the load balancer fails to handle this itself (iptables for example does not failover) an additional layer is needed to identify service downtime.

With IPv4 the most popular method is to place a WCCP router in front of the whole structure. This is wonderful for overall service uptime. Be wary though, this adds yet another hardware single point of failure and bottleneck risk.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Any example presented here is provided "as-is" with no support
or guarantee of suitability. If you have any further questions about
these examples please email the squid-users mailing list.

Categories: ConfigExample

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