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Squid Web Cache documentation

đź”— Docker-based build farm setup

đź”— Host

The build farm itself runs on buildmaster.squid-cache.org. You need a login there to perform any of the following.

All content is in /srv/jenkins, which is the home directory of the jenkins user. The only external hook is /etc/rc.local, to start jenkins up.

Jenkins runs as user jenkins; it connects to remote hosts using ssh (some have their own service calling in via jnlp), and starts up docker-based slaves on demand when there is a build to be done.

đź”— Docker setup and conventions

Each slave is based on an image. The list of available images can be obtained (as root or jenkins) with the command docker images. The ones that are relevant for the farm are named with the convention farm-<osname>-<osversion>. Known-good recovery points are tagged with the date of the recovery point - the convention is thus farm-<osname>-<osversion>:<yymmdd>.

The /home/jenkins directory of each slave is meant to host the build environment for that slave, and is mapped from the host directory /srv/jenkins/docker-images/<osname>-<osversion>.

In /srv/jenkins/docker-images there are also a few utility commands to support managing containers.

đź”— Image management

Images are built from dockerfiles in jenkins@buildmaster:~/docker-images/dockerfiles (it’s a local git repository). In order to update an image, edit the relevant dockerfile, then in the top directory,

$ make <image name> [<image name> ...]

To clean older versions if images:

$ make clean

đź”— Host installation

The host needed to run the images can be installed using this commands list (assuming a debian host)

apt -y update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install openjdk-11-jre-headless docker.io
useradd -m -u 1000 -G docker jenkins

docker pull --all-tags squidcache/buildfarm

đź”— Autoscale on-demand builds

These run on buildmaster, here’s how the concepts fit together: - builds need to be tied to a node labelled “docker-build-host”. This label is provided by the DigitalOcean plugin, which instantiates a new cloud VM on demand, and tears it down when not used. The cloud initialiser installs what is needed to run a slave. If it is a matrix build, there needs to be a “slaves” matrix axis with a single label to enforce this, or jobs will be run everywhere - The build command is:

- the docker images to be used are hosted on the docker hub, as labels of squidcache/buildfarm - in order to build and push these images, go to jenkins@buildmaster:~/docker-images/dockerfiles, and make all push

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