Squid Web Cache wiki

Squid Web Cache documentation

🔗 The Store API

class StoreSearch : RefCountable
   /* callback upon a new StoreEntry being available */
   virtual void next(void (callback)(void *cbdata), void *cbdata) = 0;
   /* return true if a new StoreEntry is immediately available */
   virtual bool next() = 0;
   /* has an error occured ? */
   virtual bool error() const = 0;
   /* are we at the end of the iterator ? */
   virtual bool isDone() const = 0;
   /* retrieve the current store entry */
   virtual StoreEntry *currentItem() = 0;

class Store :  RefCountable
   RefCount<StoreSearch> search (String const url, HttpRequest * request) = 0;

Current class hierarchy.

Store ----- StoreController
      +--- StoreHashIndex
      +--- SwapDir
      +--- UFSSwapDir
      +--- CossSwapDir
      +--- NullSwapDir

The current squid 2.5 capabilities are not yet changed. They are implemented by constructing the following memory structure of class instances

Store::Root() -- StoreController
   UFSSwapDir   ...   ... .... ...

🔗 Replacement policies

🔗 as decorators

first a new class

class StoreLRU : public Store;

And when we build the in memory structure:

Store::Root() -- StoreController
      |           |
   StoreLru    StoreHeap ....
      |           |
   UFSSwapDir  UfsSwapDir ...


Store::Root() -- StoreController
      |           |
   UFSSwapDir  UfsSwapDir ...
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