🔗 Feature: SHTTP (Secure HTTP messaging)
- Version: none
- More: RFC 2660, RFC 8188, Features/HTTPS
When a client needs to transmit sensitive content securely over potentially insecure or untrusted network connections it can do several things:
- encrypt communications using the S-HTTP protocol defined in RFC 2660, or
- encrypt the message payload using HTTP mechanism defined in RFC 8188, or
- use a TLS encrypted connection (see Features/HTTPS)
🔗 Encrypted S-HTTP messaging
Squid does not (yet) support the RFC 2660 protocol.
🔗 Encrypted HTTP message payload
The RFC 8188 HTTP extension defines encryption as just another a payload encoding. Squid supports this protocol for all traffic cached.
Squid does not (yet) support acting as an end-client for resources using encryption coding.
Squid does not (yet) support acting as surrogate (reverse-proxy) performing encoding operations for this content. Only relay messages to an external service.
🔗 Encrypted connection
See Features/HTTPS
Categories: WantedFeature
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