Squid Web Cache wiki

Squid Web Cache documentation

🔗 Squid Log Files

The logs are a valuable source of information about Squid workloads and performance. The logs record not only access information, but also system configuration errors and resource consumption (e.g. memory, disk space). There are several log file maintained by Squid. Some have to be explicitly activated during compile time, others can safely be deactivated during run-time.

There are a few basic points common to all log files. The time stamps logged into the log files are usually UTC seconds unless stated otherwise. The initial time stamp usually contains a millisecond extension.

🔗 cache.log

The cache.log file contains the debug and error messages that Squid generates. If you start your Squid using the -s command line option, a copy of certain messages will go into your syslog facilities. It is a matter of personal preferences to use a separate file for the squid log data.

From the area of automatic log file analysis, the cache.log file does not have much to offer. You will usually look into this file for automated error reports, when programming Squid, testing new features, or searching for reasons of a perceived misbehavior, etc.

🔗 Squid Error Messages

Error messages come in several forms. Debug traces are not logged at level 0 or level 1. These levels are reserved for important and critical administrative messages.

Some of the more frequently questioned messages and what they mean are outlined in the KnowledgeBase:

  1. Excess Data
  2. Failed to select source
  3. Host Header Forgery
  4. Queue congestion
  5. Too Many Queued Requests
  6. Unparseable Header

🔗 access.log

Most log file analysis program are based on the entries in access.log.

Squid allows the administrators to configure their logfile format and log output method with great flexibility.

🔗 Squid result codes

The Squid result code is composed of several tags (separated by underscore characters) which describe the response sent to the client.

🔗 HTTP status codes

These are taken from RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0), 2616 (HTTP/1.1) and verified for Squid. Squid uses almost all codes except 416 (Request Range Not Satisfiable). Extra codes used in the Squid logs (but not live traffic) include 000 for a result code being unavailable, and 600 to signal an invalid header, a proxy error. Also, some definitions were added as for RFC 2518 and 4918 (WebDAV). Yes, there are really two entries for status code 424:

Status Description RFC(s)
000 Used mostly with UDP traffic. N/A
100 Continue 2616
101 Switching Protocols 2616
102 Processing 2518
  Successful Transaction  
200 OK 1945, 2616
201 Created 1945, 2616
202 Accepted 1945, 2616
203 Non-Authoritative Information 2616
204 No Content 1945, 2616, 4918
205 Reset Content 2616
206 Partial Content 2616
207 Multi Status 2518, 4918
300 Multiple Choices 1945, 2616, 4918
301 Moved Permanently 1945, 2616, 4918
302 Moved Temporarily 1945, 2616, 4918
303 See Other 2616, 4918
304 Not Modified 1945, 2616
305 Use Proxy 2616, 4918
307 Temporary Redirect 2616, 4918
  Client Error  
400 Bad Request 1945, 2616, 4918
401 Unauthorized 1945, 2616
402 Payment Required 2616
403 Forbidden 1945, 2616, 4918
404 Not Found 1945, 2616
405 Method Not Allowed 2616
406 Not Acceptable 2616
407 Proxy Authentication Required 2616
408 Request Timeout 2616
409 Conflict 2616, 4918
410 Gone 2616
411 Length Required 2616
412 Precondition Failed 2616, 4918
413 Request Entity Too Large 2616
414 Request URI Too Large 2616, 4918
415 Unsupported Media Type 2616
416 Request Range Not Satisfiable 2616
417 Expectation Failed 2616
422 Unprocessable Entity 2518, 4918
424 Locked (broken WebDAV implementations??)
424 Failed Dependency 2518, 4918
433 Unprocessable Entity  
  Server Errors  
500 Internal Server Error 1945, 2616
501 Not Implemented 1945, 2616
502 Bad Gateway 1945, 2616
503 Service Unavailable 1945, 2616
504 Gateway Timeout 2616
505 HTTP Version Not Supported 2616
507 Insufficient Storage 2518, 4918
  Broken Server Software  
600 Squid: header parsing error  
601 Squid: header size overflow detected while parsing  
601 roundcube: software configuration error  
603 roundcube: invalid authorization  

🔗 Request methods

Squid recognizes several request methods as defined in RFC 2616 and RFC 2518 “HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring – WEBDAV” extensions.

 method    defined    cachabil.  meaning
 --------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------
 GET       HTTP/0.9   possibly   object retrieval and simple searches.
 HEAD      HTTP/1.0   possibly   metadata retrieval.
 POST      HTTP/1.0   CC or Exp. submit data (to a program).
 PUT       HTTP/1.1   never      upload data (e.g. to a file).
 DELETE    HTTP/1.1   never      remove resource (e.g. file).
 TRACE     HTTP/1.1   never      appl. layer trace of request route.
 OPTIONS   HTTP/1.1   never      request available comm. options.
 CONNECT   HTTP/1.1r3 never      tunnel SSL connection.
 ICP_QUERY Squid      never      used for ICP based exchanges.
 PURGE     Squid      never      remove object from cache.
 PROPFIND  rfc2518    ?          retrieve properties of an object.
 PROPATCH  rfc2518    ?          change properties of an object.
 MKCOL     rfc2518    never      create a new collection.
 COPY      rfc2518    never      create a duplicate of src in dst.
 MOVE      rfc2518    never      atomically move src to dst.
 LOCK      rfc2518    never      lock an object against modifications.
 UNLOCK    rfc2518    never      unlock an object.

Note that since Squid 3.1, methods not listed here (such as PATCH) are supported “out of the box.”

🔗 Hierarchy Codes

Almost any of these may be preceded by ‘TIMEOUT_’ if the two-second (default) timeout occurs waiting for all ICP replies to arrive from neighbors, see also the icp_query_timeout configuration option.

The following hierarchy codes were removed from Squid-2:

code                  meaning
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------
PARENT_UDP_HIT_OBJ    hit objects are not longer available.
SIBLING_UDP_HIT_OBJ   hit objects are not longer available.
SSL_PARENT_MISS       SSL can now be handled by squid.
FIREWALL_IP_DIRECT    No special logging for hosts inside the firewall.
LOCAL_IP_DIRECT       No special logging for local networks.

🔗 store.log

This file covers the objects currently kept on disk or removed ones. As a kind of transaction log (or journal) it is usually used for debugging purposes. A definitive statement, whether an object resides on your disks is only possible after analyzing the complete log file. The release (deletion) of an object may be logged at a later time than the swap out (save to disk).

The store.log file may be of interest to log file analysis which looks into the objects on your disks and the time they spend there, or how many times a hot object was accessed. The latter may be covered by another log file, too. With knowledge of the cache_dir configuration option, this log file allows for a URL to filename mapping without recursing your cache disks. However, the Squid developers recommend to treat store.log primarily as a debug file, and so should you, unless you know what you are doing.

The print format for a store log entry (one line) consists of thirteen space-separated columns, compare with the storeLog() function in file src/store_log.c:

9ld.%03d %-7s %02d %08X %s %4d %9ld %9ld %9ld %s %ld/%ld %s %s
  1. time The timestamp when the line was logged in UTC with a millisecond fraction.
  2. action The action the object was sumitted to, compare with src/store_log.c:
    • CREATE Seems to be unused.
    • RELEASE The object was removed from the cache (see also file number below).
    • SWAPOUT The object was saved to disk.
    • SWAPIN The object existed on disk and was read into memory
  3. dir number The cache_dir number this object was stored into, starting at 0 for your first cache_dir line.
  4. file number The file number for the object storage file. Please note that the path to this file is calculated according to your cache_dir configuration. A file number of FFFFFFFF indicates “memory only” objects. Any action code for such a file number refers to an object which existed only in memory, not on disk. For instance, if a RELEASE code was logged with file number FFFFFFFF, the object existed only in memory, and was released from memory.
  5. hash The hash value used to index the object in the cache. Squid currently uses MD5 for the hash value.
  6. status The HTTP reply status code.
  7. datehdr The value of the HTTP Date reply header.
  8. lastmod The value of the HTTP Last-Modified reply header.
  9. expires The value of the HTTP “Expires: “ reply header.
  10. type The HTTP Content-Type major value, or “unknown” if it cannot be determined.
  11. sizes This column consists of two slash separated fields:
    • The advertised content length from the HTTP Content-Length reply header.
    • The size actually read.
    • If the advertised (or expected) length is missing, it will be set to zero. If the advertised length is not zero, but not equal to the real length, the object will be released from the cache.
  12. method The request method for the object, e.g. GET.
  13. key The key to the object, usually the URL.
    • The datehdr, lastmod, and expires values are all expressed in UTC seconds. The actual values are parsed from the HTTP reply headers. An unparsable header is represented by a value of -1, and a missing header is represented by a value of -2.

🔗 swap.state

This file has a rather unfortunate history which has led to it often being called the swap log. It is in fact a journal of the cache index with a record of every cache object written to disk. It is read when Squid starts up to “reload” the cache quickly.

If you remove this file when squid is NOT running, you will effectively wipe out your cache index of contents. Squid can rebuild it from the original files, but that procedure can take a long time as every file in the cache must be fully scanned for meta data.

If you remove this file while squid IS running, you can easily recreate it. The safest way is to simply shutdown the running process:

% squid -k shutdown

This will disrupt service, but at least you will have your swap log back. Alternatively, you can tell squid to rotate its log files. This also causes a clean swap log to be written.

% squid -k rotate

By default the swap.state file is stored in the top-level of each cache_dir. You can move the logs to a different location with the cache_swap_state option.

The file is a binary format that includes MD5 checksums, and StoreEntry fields. Please see the Programmers’ Guide for information on the contents and format of that file.

🔗 squid.out

If you run your Squid from the RunCache script, a file squid.out contains the Squid startup times, and also all fatal errors, e.g. as produced by an assert() failure. If you are not using RunCache, you will not see such a file.

:warning: RunCache has been obsoleted since Squid-2.6. Modern Squid run as daemons usually log this output to the system syslog facility or if run manually to stdout for the account which operates the master daemon process.

🔗 useragent.log

:warning: Starting from Squid-3.2 this log has become one of the default access.log formats and is always available for use. It is no longer a special separate log file.

🔗 Which log files can I delete safely?

You should never delete access.log, store.log, or cache.log while Squid is running. With Unix, you can delete a file when a process has the file opened. However, the filesystem space is not reclaimed until the process closes the file.

If you accidentally delete swap.state while Squid is running, you can recover it by following the instructions in the previous questions. If you delete the others while Squid is running, you can not recover them.

The correct way to maintain your log files is with Squid’s “rotate” feature. You should rotate your log files at least once per day. The current log files are closed and then renamed with numeric extensions (.0, .1, etc). If you want to, you can write your own scripts to archive or remove the old log files. If not, Squid will only keep up to logfile_rotate versions of each log file. The logfile rotation procedure also writes a clean swap.state file, but it does not leave numbered versions of the old files.

If you set logfile_rotate to 0, Squid simply closes and then re-opens the logs. This allows third-party logfile management systems, such as newsyslog, to maintain the log files.

To rotate Squid’s logs, simple use this command:

squid -k rotate

For example, use this cron entry to rotate the logs at midnight:

0 0 * * * /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -k rotate

🔗 How can I disable Squid’s log files?

To disable access.log:

access_log none

To disable store.log:

cache_store_log none

To disable cache.log:

cache_log /dev/null

:warning: It is a bad idea to disable the cache.log because this file contains many important status and debugging messages. However, if you really want to, you can

:warning: If /dev/null is specified to any of the above log files, logfile_rotate MUST also be set to 0 or else risk Squid rotating away /dev/null making t a plain log file

:information_source: Instead of disabling the log files, it is advisable to use a smaller value for logfile_rotate and properly rotating Squid’s log files in your cron. That way, your log files are more controllable and self-maintained by your system

🔗 What is the maximum size of access.log?

Squid does not impose a size limit on its log files. Some operating systems have a maximum file size limit, however. If a Squid log file exceeds the operating system’s size limit, Squid receives a write error and shuts down. You should regularly rotate Squid’s log files so that they do not become very large.

:warning: Logging is very important to Squid. In fact, it is so important that it will shut itself down if it can’t write to its logfiles. This includes cases such as a full log disk, or logfiles getting too big.

🔗 My log files get very big!

You need to rotate your log files with a cron job. For example:

0 0 * * * /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -k rotate

When logging debug information into cache.log it can easily become extremely large and when a long access.log traffic history is required (ie by law in some countries) storing large cache.log for that time is not reasonable. From Squid-3.2 cache.log can be rotated with an individual cap set by debug_options rotate=N} option to store fewer of these large files in the .0 to .N series of backups. The default is to store the same number as with access.log and set in the logfile_rotate directive.

🔗 I want to use another tool to maintain the log files.

If you set logfile_rotate to 0, Squid simply closes and then re-opens the logs. This allows third-party logfile management systems, such as newsyslog or logrotate, to maintain the log files.

🔗 Managing log files

The preferred log file for analysis is the access.log file in native format. For long term evaluations, the log file should be obtained at regular intervals. Squid offers an easy to use API for rotating log files, in order that they may be moved (or removed) without disturbing the cache operations in progress. The procedures were described above.

Depending on the disk space allocated for log file storage, it is recommended to set up a cron job which rotates the log files every 24, 12, or 8 hour. You will need to set your logfile_rotate to a sufficiently large number. During a time of some idleness, you can safely transfer the log files to your analysis host in one burst.

Before transport, the log files can be compressed during off-peak time. On the analysis host, the log file are concatenated into one file, so one file for 24 hours is the yield. Also note that with log_icp_queries enabled, you might have around 1 GB of uncompressed log information per day and busy cache. Look into you cache manager info page to make an educated guess on the size of your log files.

Some basic advice to obey when handling and processing log files:

🔗 Why do I get ERR_NO_CLIENTS_BIG_OBJ messages so often?

This message means that the requested object was in “Delete Behind” mode and the user aborted the transfer. An object will go into “Delete Behind” mode if

🔗 What does ERR_LIFETIME_EXP mean?

This means that a timeout occurred while the object was being transferred. Most likely the retrieval of this object was very slow (or it stalled before finishing) and the user aborted the request. However, depending on your settings for quick_abort, Squid may have continued to try retrieving the object. Squid imposes a maximum amount of time on all open sockets, so after some amount of time the stalled request was aborted and logged win an ERR_LIFETIME_EXP message.

🔗 Retrieving “lost” files from the cache

“I’ve been asked to retrieve an object which was accidentally destroyed at the source for recovery. So, how do I figure out where the things are so I can copy them out and strip off the headers?””

The following method applies only to the Squid-1.1 versions:

Use grep to find the named object (URL) in the cache.log file. The first field in this file is an integer file number.

Then, find the file fileno-to-pathname.pl from the “scripts” directory of the Squid source distribution. The usage is

perl fileno-to-pathname.pl [-c squid.conf]

file numbers are read on stdin, and pathnames are printed on stdout.

🔗 Can I use store.log to figure out if a response was cachable?

Sort of. You can use store.log to find out if a particular response was cached.

Cached responses are logged with the SWAPOUT tag. Uncached responses are logged with the RELEASE tag.

However, your analysis must also consider that when a cached response is removed from the cache (for example due to cache replacement) it is also logged in store.log with the RELEASE tag. To differentiate these two, you can look at the filenumber (3rd) field. When an uncachable response is released, the filenumber is FFFFFFFF (-1). Any other filenumber indicates a cached response was released.

🔗 Can I pump the squid access.log directly into a pipe?

Several people have asked for this, usually to feed the log into some kind of external database, or to analyze them in real-time.

The answer is No. Well, yes, sorta. Using a pipe directly opens up a whole load of possible problems.

:warning: Logging is very important to Squid. In fact, it is so important that it will shut itself down if it can’t write to its logfiles.

There are several alternatives which are much safer to setup and use. The basic capabilities present are :

See the Log Modules feature for technical details on setting up a daemon or other output modules.

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