Squid Web Cache wiki

Squid Web Cache documentation

πŸ”— Adding a Cache Dir

by Chris Robertson

Adding a new drive to Squids cache directory set is a useful thing to know. And simple as well.

Squid will handle the changes semi-automatically, but there are still a few operations that need to be kicked off manually.

Assuming your disk is attached, your OS recognizes it and the disk is formatted:

  1. Ensure the cache_effective_user has write capability on the mount point
  2. Add a cache_dir directive to squid.conf referencing the new mount point
  3. Stop squid
  4. Run squid -z (as root or as the cache_effective_user)
  5. Start squid

πŸ”— Downtime reduction hack

by AmosJeffries and HenrikNordstrom

:information_source: this does not apply to large caches as there is no touching of the existing cache_dir anyway.

  1. Ensure the cache_effective_user has write capability on the mount point
  2. Temporarily change squid.conf to use another pid_filename. squid -z will abort early if it discovers another running squid instance
  3. Add a cache_dir directive to squid.conf referencing the new mount point
  4. Temporarily: comment out the existing cache_dir entries
  5. Run squid -z -f ./squid.conf (as root or as the cache_effective_user)
  6. Undo the temporary changes to pid_filename and pre-existing cache_dir
  7. Reconfigure the running squid with squid -k reconfigure

:information_source: While the -z with existing ufs/aufs/diskd is harmless it’s a destructive operation with for example coss cache_dirs so commenting them out is important.

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