Squid Web Cache wiki

Squid Web Cache documentation

🔗 Flow of a Typical Request

NOTE: this information is a work in progress. Numbered entries have been updated for Squid-3.

  1. A client connection is accepted by the Comm::TcpAcceptor, passed to client-side socket support and parsed, or an internal Squid request is directly created via clientBeginRequest.
  2. if the traffic was intercepted, the Host: header validation is performed.
  3. The http_access controls are checked. The client-side-request builds an ACL state data structure and registers a callback function for notification when access control checking is completed. - authentication may be performed - deny_info redirection may be performed
  4. ICAP REQMOD adaptation takes place. - an ICAP response may be produced with any HTTP status.
  5. URL-rewrite adaptation takes place. - an HTTP redirect may take place using 3xx HTTP status codes.

the following information is outdated and seems to apply to Squid-2

  1. The client-side-request is forwarded up the client stream to GetMoreData which looks for the requested object in the cache, and or Vary: versions of the same. If is a cache hit, then the client-side registers its interest in the StoreEntry. Otherwise, Squid needs to forward the request, perhaps with an If-Modified-Since header.
  2. The request-forwarding process begins with protoDispatch. This function begins the peer selection procedure, which may involve sending ICP queries and receiving ICP replies. The peer selection procedure also involves checking configuration options such as never_direct and always_direct.
  3. When the ICP replies (if any) have been processed, we end up at protoStart. This function calls an appropriate protocol-specific function for forwarding the request. Here we will assume it is an HTTP request.
  4. The HTTP module first opens a connection to the origin server or cache peer. If there is no idle persistent socket available, a new connection request is given to the Network Communication module with a callback function. The comm.c routines may try establishing a connection multiple times before giving up.
  5. When a TCP connection has been established, HTTP builds a request buffer and submits it for writing on the socket. It then registers a read handler to receive and process the HTTP reply.
  6. As the reply is initially received, the HTTP reply headers are parsed and placed into a reply data structure. As reply data is read, it is appended to the StoreEntry. Every time data is appended to the StoreEntry, the client-side is notified of the new data via a callback function. The rate at which reading occurs is regulated by the delay pools routines, via the deferred read mechanism.
  7. As the client-side is notified of new data, it copies the data from the StoreEntry and submits it for writing on the client socket.
  8. As data is appended to the StoreEntry, and the client(s) read it, the data may be submitted for writing to disk.
  9. When the HTTP module finishes reading the reply from the upstream server, it marks the StoreEntry as complete. The server socket is either closed or given to the persistent connection pool for future use.
  10. When the client-side has written all of the object data, it unregisters itself from the StoreEntry. At the same time it either waits for another request from the client, or closes the client connection.

🔗 The Main Loop: comm_select()

At the core of Squid is the select(2) system call. Squid uses select() or poll(2) or kqueue or epoll or /dev/poll to process I/O on all open file descriptors. Hereafter we’ll only use select to refer generically to either system call.

The select() and poll() system calls work by waiting for I/O events on a set of file descriptors. Squid only checks for read and write events. Squid knows that it should check for reading or writing when there is a read or write handler registered for a given file descriptor. Handler functions are registered with the commSetSelect function. For example:

commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, clientReadRequest, conn, 0);

In this example, fd is a TCP socket to a client connection. When there is data to be read from the socket, then the select loop will execute

clientReadRequest(fd, conn);

The I/O handlers are reset every time they are called. In other words, a handler function must re-register itself with commSetSelect if it wants to continue reading or writing on a file descriptor. The I/O handler may be canceled before being called by providing NULL arguments, e.g.:

commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0);

These I/O handlers (and others) and their associated callback data pointers are saved in the fde data structure:

    struct _fde {
            PF *read_handler;
            void *read_data;
            PF *write_handler;
            void *write_data;
            close_handler *close_handler;
            DEFER *defer_check;
            void *defer_data;

read_handler and write_handler are called when the file descriptor is ready for reading or writing, respectively. The close_handler is called when the filedescriptor is closed. The close_handler is actually a linked list of callback functions to be called.

In some situations we want to defer reading from a filedescriptor, even though it has data for us to read. This may be the case when data arrives from the server-side faster than it can be written to the client-side. Before adding a filedescriptor to the read set for select, we call defer_check (if it is non-NULL). If defer_check returns 1, then we skip the filedescriptor for that time through the select loop.

These handlers are stored in the FD_ENTRY structure as defined in comm.h. fd_table[] is the global array of FD_ENTRY structures. The handler functions are of type PF, which is a typedef:

    typedef void (*PF) (int, void *);

The close handler is really a linked list of handler functions. Each handler also has an associated pointer (void *data) to some kind of data structure.

comm_select() is the function which issues the select() system call. It scans the entire fd_table[] array looking for handler functions. Each file descriptor with a read handler will be set in the fd_set read bitmask. Similarly, write handlers are scanned and bits set for the write bitmask. select() is then called, and the return read and write bitmasks are scanned for descriptors with pending I/O. For each ready descriptor, the handler is called. Note that the handler is cleared from the FD_ENTRY before it is called.

After each handler is called, comm_select_incoming() is called to process new HTTP and ICP requests.

Typical read handlers are httpReadReply(), diskHandleRead(), icpHandleUdp(), and ipcache_dnsHandleRead(). Typical write handlers are commHandleWrite(), diskHandleWrite(), and icpUdpReply(). The handler function is set with commSetSelect(), with the exception of the close handlers, which are set with comm_add_close_handler().

The close handlers are normally called from comm_close(). The job of the close handlers is to deallocate data structures associated with the file descriptor. For this reason comm_close() must normally be the last function in a sequence to prevent accessing just-freed memory.

The timeout and lifetime handlers are called for file descriptors which have been idle for too long. They are further discussed in a following chapter.

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