Squid Web Cache wiki

Squid Web Cache documentation

🔗 bootstrap.sh

The bootstrap.sh script runs a number of autotools to prepare ./configure and related magic. See DeveloperResources for the tools required by this script.

It doesn’t always work. Here are some errors and solutions:

🔗 Common problems

🔗 possibly undefined macro: AC_LTDL_DLLIB

This sometimes happens on Debian based systems:


    configure.in:34 error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LTDL_DLLIB
          If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
          See the Autoconf documentation.


🔗 ‘ltdl.m4’ not found in ‘/usr/share/aclocal’

This sometimes happens on Debian based systems:


    libtoolize: 'ltdl.m4' not found in '/usr/share/aclocal'
    libtoolize failed
    Autotool bootstrapping failed. You will need to investigate and correct
    before you can develop on this source tree


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