🔗 GZIP Encoded Variants Being Replaced by Non-Compressed Objects
🔗 Synopsis
Squid stores a compressed reply variant fine but a non-compressed reply causes all subsequent replies to be non-compressed.
🔗 Symptoms
- Initial request included Accept-Encoding: gzip (or similar);
- The reply was a Content-Encoded gzip reply with the correct Vary: header set;
- Subsequent requests w/ Accept-Encoding: gzip returns the cached gzip’ed reply;
- A request with no Accept-Encoding: gzip header causes the cache to request a non-compressed variant;
- Squid replaces the in-cache variant copies of all content for that particular object with the single non-compressed variant;
- And subsequent requests, compressed or not, return the uncompressed object.
🔗 Explanation
(TBD: find relevant sections in the RFC.)
It is valid for a cache to serve a non-compressed reply to an Accept-Encoding: gzip or similar request. Squid has no way of knowing that an object has multiple variant types if any of the possible replies for the object contains no Vary: header.
In summary, Squid is doing the right thing. Origin servers need to set correct ETag and Vary: headers so variant content is correctly cached and served.
🔗 Workaround
- Make sure the origin server sets Vary: Accept-Encoding for both compressed and non-compressed replies, or Squid will replace the Vary objects with the single non-compressed object.
- Make sure the origin server sets a different ETag for each variant reply type - ie, a different ETag for compressed and uncompressed - or browsers/caches will believe the replies are equivalent.
🔗 See Also
🔗 Thanks
- HenrikNordstrom
- providing information on the Vary code behaviour
Categories: KnowledgeBase
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