π Feature: TPROXY version 4.1+ Support
- Version: 3.1
- Developer: Laszlo Attilla Toth (Balabit), Krisztian Kovacs, AmosJeffries
- More: http://www.balabit.com/downloads/files/tproxy/README.txt
π Details
Support TPROXY v4.1 with full IPv4 and IPv6 transparent interception of HTTP.
π Sponsor
This feature was Sponsored by Balabit and developed by Laszlo Attilla Toth and AmosJeffries. Production tested and debugged with the help of Krisztian Kovacs and Nicholas Ritter.
WCCPv2 configuration is derived from testing by Steven Wilton and Adrian Chadd. It has not changed significantly since older TPROXY.
π Minimum Requirements (IPv6 and IPv4)
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Linux Kernel 2.6.37 | [Official releases page](http://www.kernel.org/) |
| iptables 1.4.10 | [Official releases page](http://www.netfilter.org/projects/iptables/downloads.html) |
| Squid 3.1 | [Official releases page](http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/) |
| libcap-dev or libcap2-dev | any |
| libcap 2.09 or later | any |
libcap2 is needed at run time. To build you need the developer versions (*-dev) to compile with Squid.
NP: the versions above are a minimum from the expected working versions for the below config.
- TPROXYv4 support reached a usable form in 2.6.28. However several Kernels have various known bugs:
π Squid Configuration
Configure build options
./configure --enable-linux-netfilter
squid.conf settings
http_port 3128
http_port 3129 tproxy
NP: A dedicated squid port for tproxy is REQUIRED. The way TPROXYv4 works makes it incompatible with NAT interception, reverse-proxy acceleration, and standard proxy traffic. The intercept, accel and related flags cannot be set on the same http_port with tproxy flag.
The Balabit document still refers to using options tproxy transparent. Do not do this. It was only needed short-term for a bug which is now fixed.
π Linux Kernel Configuration
Requires kernel built with the configuration options:
So far we have this:
π Routing configuration
The routing features in your kernel also need to be configured to enable correct handling of the intercepted packets. Both arriving and leaving your system.
# IPv4-only
ip -f inet rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100
ip -f inet route add local default dev eth0 table 100
# IPv6-only
ip -f inet6 rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100
ip -f inet6 route add local default dev eth0 table 100
Every OS has different security and limitations around what you can do here.
some systems require that lo is the interface TPROXY uses.
some systems require that an ethN is the interface TPROXY uses.
some systems require that each receiving interface have its own unique table.
Some OS block multiple interfaces being linked to the table. You will see a rejected route when a second
ip -f inet route
is added to the table. To erase the custom route entry repeat the rule with del instead of add.
On each boot startup set:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/rp_filter
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter
Or configure /etc/sysctl.conf:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter = 0
your OS also may require the keyword set before each of those sysctl.conf lines.
since we are removing the RP filter on βdefaultβ and βallβ sysctl you may want to set it to 1 or 2 individually on all devices not using TPROXY.
π Some routing problems to be aware of
Systems with strict localhost interface security boundaries require each interface to have a separate βtableβ entry for looking up packets via that device.
in this situation the tables often cannot use the same number. When experimenting finding out how to erase the route table is useful.
eth0 is shown above, change to match your TPROXY interface(s).
the particular device needed differs between OS. eth0 seems to be the least troublesome. Although dev lo may be the only one that works.
your OS may require the keyword set before each sysctl.conf line.
π iptables Configuration
π iptables on a Router device
For IPv6 the rules are identical. But the ip6tables tool needs to be used in place of iptables
Setup a chain DIVERT to mark packets
iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
Use DIVERT to prevent existing connections going through TPROXY twice:
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT
Mark all other (new) packets and use TPROXY to pass into Squid:
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j TPROXY --tproxy-mark 0x1/0x1 --on-port 3129
π ebtables on a Bridging device
Bridging configuration in Linux is done with the ebtables utility.
You also need to follow all the steps for setting up the Squid box as a router device. These bridging rules are additional steps to move packets from bridging mode to routing mode:
## interface facing clients
## interface facing Internet
ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING \
-i $CLIENT_IFACE -p ipv6 --ip6-proto tcp --ip6-dport 80 \
-j redirect --redirect-target DROP
ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING \
-i $CLIENT_IFACE -p ipv4 --ip-proto tcp --ip-dport 80 \
-j redirect --redirect-target DROP
ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING \
-i $INET_IFACE -p ipv6 --ip6-proto tcp --ip6-sport 80 \
-j redirect --redirect-target DROP
ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING \
-i $INET_IFACE -p ipv4 --ip-proto tcp --ip-sport 80 \
-j redirect --redirect-target DROP
if test -d /proc/sys/net/bridge/ ; then
for i in /proc/sys/net/bridge/*
echo 0 > $i
unset i
The bridge interfaces also need to be configured with public IP addresses for Squid to use in its normal operating traffic (DNS, ICMP, TPROXY failed requests, peer requests, etc)
π Bypassing TPROXY intercept
As always, bypassing the firewall rules is always an option. They need to go first, naturally.
- Bridges need to place the bypass in ebtables BROUTE before the DROP rules.
- Routers need to place the bypass in iptables PREROUTING before the DIVERT chain.
If you do not understand how to do that or what to write in the bypass rules, please locate any beginners guide on iptables or ebtables and read up on how to operate them.
π SELINUX Policy tuning
On Linux versions with selinux enabled you also need to tune the selinux policy to allow Squid to use TPROXY. By default the SELINUX policy for Squid denies some of the operations needed for TPROXY. You can tune the policy to allow this by setting a couple selinux booleans:
setsebool squid_connect_any=yes
setsebool squid_use_tproxy=yes
If your version of the selinux policy is missing any of these then see the troubleshooting section for alternative approaches.
π WCCP Configuration (only if you use WCCP)
by Steve Wilton
$ROUTERIP needs to be replaced with the IP Squid uses to contact the WCCP router.
π squid.conf
It is highly recommended that these definitions be used for the two wccp services, otherwise things will break if you have more than one cache (specifically, you will have problems when the a web serverβs name resolves to multiple ip addresses).
wccp2_router $ROUTERIP
wccp2_forwarding_method gre
wccp2_return_method gre
wccp2_service dynamic 80
wccp2_service_info 80 protocol=tcp flags=src_ip_hash priority=240 ports=80
wccp2_service dynamic 90
wccp2_service_info 90 protocol=tcp flags=dst_ip_hash,ports_source priority=240 ports=80
π Router config
On the router, you need to make sure that all traffic going to/from the customer will be processed by both WCCP rules. The way we implement this is to apply:
- WCCP service 80 applied to all traffic coming in from a customer-facing interface
- WCCP service 90 applied to all traffic going out to a customer-facing interface.
- WCCP exclude in rule to all traffic coming in from the proxy-facing interface.
For Example:
interface GigabitEthernet0/3.100
description ADSL customers
encapsulation dot1Q 502
ip address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
ip wccp 80 redirect in
ip wccp 90 redirect out
interface GigabitEthernet0/3.101
description Dialup customers
encapsulation dot1Q 502
ip address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
ip wccp 80 redirect in
ip wccp 90 redirect out
interface GigabitEthernet0/3.102
description proxy servers
encapsulation dot1Q 506
ip address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
ip wccp redirect exclude in
π Single Squid behind WCCP interceptor
π Cluster of Sibling Squid behind WCCP interceptor
When two sibling peers are both behind a WCCP interception gateway and using TPROXY to spoof the client IP, the WCCP gateway will get confused by two identical sources and redirect packets at the wrong sibling.
This is now resolved by adding the no-tproxy flag to the cluster sibling cache_peer lines. This disables TPROXY spoofing on requests which are received through another peer in the cluster.
cache_peer ip.of.peer sibling 3128 0 no-tproxy ...
π Troubleshooting
π Squid not spoofing the client IP
Could be a few things. Check cache.log for messages like those listed here in Troubleshooting.
The warning about missing libcap appears to be issued before cache.log is started. So does not always show up when Squid starts. Start testing this problem by making sure of that dependency manually.
π Stopping full transparency: Error enabling needed capabilities.
Something went wrong while setting advanced privileges. What exactly, we donβt know at this point. Unfortunately its not logged anywhere either. Perhaps your syslog or /var/log/messages log will have details recorded by the OS.
π Stopping full transparency: Missing needed capability support.
libcap support appears to be missing. The library needs to be built into Squid so a rebuild is required after installed the related packages for your system.
π commBind: cannot bind socket FD X to X.X.X.X: (99) cannot assign requested address
This error has many reasons for occurring.
It might be seen repeatedly when Squid is running with TPROXY configured:
- If the squid port receives traffic by other means than TPROXY interception.
Ports using the tproxy flag MUST NOT receive traffic for any other mode Squid can run in.
- If Squid is receiving TPROXY traffic on a port without the
tproxy flag.
- If the kernel is missing the capability to bind to any random IP.
It may also be seen only at startup due to unrelated issues:
π Traffic going through Squid but then timing out
This is usually seen when the network design prevents packets coming back to Squid.
- Check that the Routing portion of the config above is set correctly.
- Check that the DIVERT is done before TPROXY rules in iptables PREROUTING chain.
π Timeouts with Squid not running in the router directly
The above configuration assumes that squid is running on the router OR has a direct connection to the Internet without having to go through the capture router again. For both outbound and return traffic.
If your network topology uses a squid box sitting the inside the router which passes packets to Squid. Then you will need to explicitly add some additional configuration.
The WCCPv2 example is provided for people using Cisco boxes. For others we canβt point to exact routing configuration since it will depend on your router. But you will need to figure out some rule(s) which identify the Squid outbound traffic. Dedicated router interface, service groups, TOS set by Squid tcp_outgoing_tos, and MAC source have all been found to be useful under specific situations. IP address rules are the one thing guaranteed to fail.
We should not really need to say it; but these exception rules MUST be placed before any of the capture TPROXY/DIVERT rules.
π Timeouts with Squid running as a bridge or multiple-NIC
When using the bridge configuration or when multi-homing the system care needs to be taken that the default route is correct and will route packets to the Internet. Ideally there is only one default route, but for a bridge with routing enabled or for multi-homed systems there may be multiple.
There has been one confirmed case of the default route being set automatically by the OS to the dead-end route/NIC used only for administering the bridge.
π Wccp2 dst_ip_hash packet loops
- by Michael Bowe
Referring to the wccps_service_info settings detailed above.
First method:
- dst_ip_hash on 80
- src_ip_hash on 90
Ties a particular web server to a particular cache
Second method:
- src_ip_hash on 80
- dst_ip_hash on 90
Ties a particular client to a particular cache
When using TPROXY the second method must be used. The problem with the first method is this sequence of events which starts to occur:
Say a client wants to access http://some-large-site, their PC resolves the address and gets x.x.x.1
- GET request goes off to the network, Cisco sees it and hashes the dst_ip.
- Hash for this IP points to cache-A
- Router sends the request to cache-A.
This cache takes the GET and does another DNS lookup of that host. This time it resolves to x.x.x.2
- Cache sends request off to the !Internet
- Reply comes back from x.x.x.2, and arrives at the Cisco.
- Cisco does hash on src_ip and this happens to map to cache-B
- Reply arrives at cache-B and it doesnβt know anything about it.
π selinux policy denials
When configuring TPROXY support on Fedora 12 using the Squid shipped with Fedora selinux initially blocked Squid from usng the TPROXY feature.
The quick fix is disabling selinux entirely, but this is not generally desired.
A more permanent fix until the squid part of the selinux policy is updated is to make a custom selinux policy module allowing Squid access to the net operations is needs for TPROXY.
# Temporarily set eslinux in permissive mode and test..
setenforce 0
service squid start
# Make a request via Squid and verity that it works.
service squid stop
setenforce 1
# build & install selinux module based on the denials seen
grep AVC.*squid /var/log/audit/autdit.log | audit2allow -M squidtproxy
semodule -i squidtproxy.pp
π References
- Older config how-to from before the kernel and iptables bundles were available⦠http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/TPROXYPatchingCentOS
π spoof_client_ip config directive (exists only from Squid-3.4)
- Squid-Cache allows tproxy spoof control configuration directive: http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/spoof_client_ip/ This allows to intercept traffic using tproxy but use the same concept of intercept\transparent proxy for outgoing traffic and to decide whether to spoof or not specific clients src addresses or to use the proxy as the source ip.
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