Squid Web Cache wiki

Squid Web Cache documentation

đź”— Caching Dynamic Content using Adaptation

This page is an ongoing development. Not least because it must keep up with youtube.com alterations. If you start to experience problems with any of these configs please first check back here for updated config.

đź”— Problem Outline

Squid since old days till today Squid-3.2 use The URL as the resource key. It has been and remains the fundamental design property of HTTP. this approach based on the assumption that each GET request of a URL should identify one and only one resource. dynamic content should be sent based on user data in a POST request. as defined in rfc2616 section 9.3 for GET and section 9.5 for POST

9.3 “The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI.”

9.5 “The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.”

The rfc states the specification of the protocol but it’s in developers/webdesigners to enforce it.

đź”— What is Dynamic Content

one URL that can result in more then one resource.( one to many )

some of the reasons for that:

đź”— File De-Duplication/Duplication

There is also the problem of content copying around the web. For example: how many sites contain their own copy of “jQuery.js” ? images, icons, scripts, templates, stylesheets, widgets. All these things have much duplication that reduces cache efficiency.

đź”— Marks of dynamic content in URL

squid applies a refresh pattern acl on Dynamic Content marks in the URL such “?” and “cgi-bin” by default. refresh_pattern

refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0

:bulb: the only reason these should not be cached is that old CGI systems commonly do not send cache-control or expiry information to permit safe caching. Same goes for the “?” query string scripts. The refresh_pattern directive is specifically used so that dynamic content responses which do contain sufficient cache control headers *are* cached.

🔗 ”?”

question mark append to the URL is used to pass arguments to a script and can represent “Dynamic Content” page that will vary by the arguments. the url: “http://wiki.squid-cache.org/index.html?action=login” will pass to the argument “action=login” to the wiki server and will result a login page. if you will send an argument to a static html file such as: “http://www.squid-cache.org/index.html?action=login” the result is just a longer url. many CMS like Wordpress use question mark to identify a specific page/article stored in the system. (“/wordpress/?p=941”)

but insted exploting this convention the script authur can just add Cache specific headers to allow or disallow caching the resource.

đź”— HTTP and caching

Mark Nottingham wrote a very detailed document “Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters” about cache that i recommend to read. and also wrote a great tool to analyze cache headers of sites RedBot

đź”— HTTP headers

Else then the URL itself there are couple http headers that can affect the results of a request and there for cache. the http response can vary between clients by request headers like “User-Agent” “Cookie” or others.

its very common that “User-Agent” uses to identify the client software and response differently. it can distinct a mobile cell phone and a desktop or html format compatibility of a client. these headers can affect response language,content and compression.

cache specific headers can be used by a client to identify validity of current cached resource. the “Expires” and “Etag” can identify singes of expired cache resource.

To help cache efficiency the http headers and codes came for help. a cache can use a request with “If-Modified-Since” header and the server can verify for the client that the file hasn’t changed “Since” with a “304” response code. vary of headers can assist in this situation.

Common request headers are:


Common response headers are:


đź”— HTTP 206/partial content

Squid has not been caching range responses. but there are other software that do offer that.

đź”— Dynamic-Content|Bandwidth Consumers

If you will look at some ISP/office graphs you will see that there is a pattern that shapes the usage graphs. Software updates and videos content are well known bandwidth consumers. Some are cache friendly while others not.

Squid developers tried before to reason youtube being more cache friendly but it got into a dead end from youtube side.

đź”— Specific Cache Cases analysis

File De-duplication

Real dynamic content

đź”— Microsoft Updates Caching

The main problem with Microsoft updates is that they use 206 partial content responses that cannot be cached by Squid. some times the update file size is tens of MB and will lead to heavy load. a solution for that was proposed by Amos Jeffries at: SquidFaq/WindowsUpdate in order to save maximum bandwidth force Squid into downloading the whole file instead of a partial content using:

range_offset_limit -1
quick_abort_min -1

range_offset_limi quick_abort_min

the problem is that these acls applies for the whole server and can result some software response bad while expecting a partial response. other then that a chunk of 1KB out of a 90MB file will result in a 90MB bandwidth waist. so it’s up to the proxy admin to set the cache properly.

đź”— Youtube video/img

Pages are, and URLs are dynamically created, but they de-duplicate down to static video locations. Youtube serves video content requests by user to apply polices like “allow only specific user/group/friends” etc. A video will be served to the same client with different URL in matter of a second. most of the video urls has some common sense identity in the form of an arguments so it can be cached using a specific “key”. since squid mainly use the URL to identify the cache resource it makes cache admins life harder. and it doubled by the random patterns of videos URLs.

in the past there were couple attempts to cache them using the old “store_url_rewrite” in Squid2.X. other solution was using the “url_rewrite” combined with Web-server mentioned at ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube

đź”— CDN/DNS load balancing

Many websites use CDN(Content Delivery Network) to scale their website. some of these are using same URL on other domain. one of the major opensource players that i can demonstrate with is SourceForge. They have mirrors all over the world and they use a prefix domain to select the mirror like in:


so this is a case of Simple URL de-duplication. this scenario can be resolved easily by storing all the sub-domains under one “key”. kind of a pseudo for this: every subdomain of “dl.sourceforge.net” should be sotred as: “dl.sourceforge.net.some_internal_key”. and ruby example to demonstrate code for that:

url = "http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/assp/ASSP%20Installation/README.txt"
key = "http://dl.sourceforge.net.squid.internal/" + url.match(/.*\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/(.*)/)[1]

A similar scenario is with AV updates that will use more then one domain or will use IP address as a redundancy case that no dns available.

đź”— Facebook

Facebook is another subject for Bandwidth abuse but requires a second to think about it. As a cache admin you can see that Facebook is one of the top urls in the logs and reports. if you see a lot of urls on one domain it doesn’t mean that it consumes bandwidth. Facebook has a “History of violence” like all social networks and not only in the sense of bandwidth.

one issue with Social Networks is “Privacy”. These networks produce a large volume of responses containing private data that when cached by an ISP can lead to “Invasion of privacy”

Privacy is an issue that a cache operator should consider very deeply while configuring the server acls(refresh_pattern). since Facebook was declared worldwide they indeed made a lot of efforts to be cache friendly using “Cache-Control” and such headers. They use XML for updates with headers such as:

Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate

they do you one CDN for video and IMG content at:


but you must have a key arguments to access the video. for IMG they use “many to one CDN” like in:


and you can replace the “a6” with a many to one “key”.

đź”— Caching Dynamic Content|De-duplicated content

As i was describing the problem earlier for each of the scenarios we can offer a solution.

đź”— Old methods

Sites like youtube/CDNs atec made a problem needed to be solved quickly. these sites provides the internet with a huge amount of data that had no cache Friendly API. That is why old the old methods was developed quickly.

Amos Jeffries: That effort continues in a number of ways (headers Content-MD5, Digest:, Link:, etc).

đź”— Store URL Rewrite

In Squid-2.7 the store_url_rewrite interface was integrated to solve a resource De-Duplication case. an example is sourceforge and it can implemented for youtube and others.

def main
  while request = gets
        request = request.split
     if request[0]
        case request[1]
          when /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/.*/
            puts request[0] + "http://dl.sourceforge.net.squid.internal/" +  request[1].match(/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/(.*)/)[1]
            puts request[0] + ""
        puts ""

STDOUT.sync = true

this helper works with concurrency which in any case is better then plain rewritter without concurrency.

the performance of this helper is about 2.6 sec for 100,000 requests. what means about 2,000,000 requests per minute. to test it yourself you can do:

  1. create a redirect file:

     head -100000 access.log | awk '{ print $7 " " $3"/-" " " $8 " " $6}' >/tmp/testurls
  2. do the test:

     time ./rewritter.rb < /tmp/testurls >/dev/null



(I wrote an ICP client and was working on a HTCP Switch/Hub to monitor and control live cache objects)

đź”— Web-server and URL Rewrite

In brief the idea is to use the url_rewrite interface to silently redirect the request to a local web server script.

the proposed solution in more detail

Another same style solution was used by youtube-cache and later was extended atyt-cache



đź”— NGINX as a Cache Peer

in youtube-cache the author used NGINX web server as a cache_peer and reverse proxy. the idea was to take advantage of NGINX ability “proxy_store” as a cache store and “resolver” option to make NGINX be able to do “Forward proxy”. NGINX has some nice features that allows it to use request arguments as part of “cache store key” easily.

for youtube can be used:

proxy_store "/usr/local/www/nginx_cache/files/id=$arg_id.itag=$arg_itag.range=$arg_range";



đź”— Summery of the ICAP solution

The “problem” of newer squid versions then 2+ is that the store_url_rewrite interface wasn’t integrated and as a result most of the users used the old squid version. others have used the url_rewrite and web-server way. many have used videocache that is based on the same idea because it has updates, support and other features.

this resulted Squid servers to serve files from a local NGINX/APACHE/LIGHTHTTPD that resulted a very nasty cache maintainability problem.

many cache admins gained youtube videos cache but lost most of squid advantages.

The idea is to let squid(2 instances) do all caching fetching etc instead of using a third party cache solutions and web-servers. So With a long history of dynamic content analysis at work i had in mind for a long time the idea but just recently Tested and implemented it.

The solution i implemented was meant for newer Squid version 3+ can be implemented using either one of two options ICAP server or url_rewrite while ICAP has many advantages. it requires:

what will it do? Cheat Everyone in the system!!. ICAP and url_rewrite has the capability to rewrite the url transparently to the client so one a client request a file squid, squid 1 will issue by acls ICAP REQMOD(request modification) from ICAP server. pseudo for ICAP code:

analyze request. if request fits criteria: extract from request the needed data (from url and other headers) create an internal “address” like “http://ytvideo.squid.internal/somekey” store a key pair of the original url and the modified url on the db. send the modified request to squid.

on squid 1 we pre-configured a cache_peer for all dstdomain of .internal so the rewritten url must be fetched through squid 2.

squid 2 then gets the request for “http://ytvideo.squid.internal/somekey” and passes the request to the ICAP server. the ICAP server in time fetch the original URL from DB and rewrites the request to the original origin server.

The status now is: client thinks it’s fetching the original file. squid 1 thinks it’s fetching the “http://ytvideo.squid.internal/somekey” file squid 2 feeds the whole network one big lie but with the original video.

The Result is: squid 1 will store the video with a unique key that can be verified using ICP/HTCP/CACHEMGR/LOGS etc. squid 2 is just a simple proxy(no-cache) ICAP server coordinates the work flow.



đź”— Implementing ICAP solution


squid 1:

acl ytcdoms dstdomain .c.youtube.com
acl internaldoms dstdomain .squid.internal
acl ytcblcok urlpath_regex (begin\=)
acl ytcblockdoms dstdomain redirector.c.youtube.com
acl ytimg dstdomain .ytimg.com

refresh_pattern ^http://(youtube|ytimg)\.squid\.internal/.*  10080 80%  28800 override-lastmod override-expire override-lastmod ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-reload

maximum_object_size_in_memory 4 MB

#cache_peers section
cache_peer parent 13128 0 no-query no-digest no-tproxy default name=internal
cache_peer_access internal allow internaldoms
cache_peer_access internal deny all

never_direct allow internaldoms
never_direct deny all

cache deny ytcblockdoms
cache deny ytcdoms ytcblcok
cache allow all

icap_enable on
icap_service_revival_delay 30

icap_service service_req reqmod_precache bypass=1 icap://
adaptation_access service_req deny internaldoms
adaptation_access service_req deny ytcblockdoms
adaptation_access service_req allow ytcdoms
adaptation_access service_req deny all

icap_service service_ytimg reqmod_precache bypass=1 icap://
adaptation_access service_ytimg allow ytimg img
adaptation_access service_ytimg deny all

squid 2

acl internalyt dstdomain youtube.squid.internal
acl intytimg dstdomain ytimg.squid.internal
cache deny all

icap_enable on
icap_service_revival_delay 30

icap_service service_req reqmod_precache bypass=0 icap://
adaptation_access service_req allow internalyt
adaptation_access service_req deny all

icap_service service_ytimg reqmod_precache bypass=0 icap://
adaptation_access service_ytimg allow intytimg
adaptation_access service_ytimg deny all


#i have used mysql db 'ytcache' table 'temp' with user and password as 'ytcache' with full rights for localhost and ip
create a memory table in DB with two very long varchar(2000) fields.
create give a user full rights to the db.
# it's recommended to truncate the temp memory table at least once a day because it has limited size.


my ICAP server can be downloaded from : My github the server is written in ruby and tested on version 1.9. required for the server:

gem "bundler"
gem "eventmachine"
gem "settingslogic"
gem "mysql"
gem "dbi"

there is a settings file at config/settings.yml

notice to setup local IP address to the server in the config file.

i have used IP to allow very intense stress tests with a lot of open port.

đź”— Alternative To ICAP server Using url_rewrite

the same logic i implemented using ICAP can be used using the url_rewrite mechanizm.

i wrote a specific url rewriter with the db/cache server redis as backend. we can use the same logic as ICAP server to rewrite the urls on each of the squid instances. you need to install “redis” and redis gem for ruby.


acl internaldoms dstdomain .squid.internal
acl rewritedoms dstdomain .c.youtube.com av.vimeo.com .dl.sourceforge.net  .ytimg.com
url_rewrite_program /opt/coordinator.rb
url_rewrite_children 5
url_rewrite_concurrency 50
url_rewrite_access deny internaldoms
url_rewrite_access allow all


cache deny all
acl internaldoms dstdomain .squid.internal
url_rewrite_program /opt/coordinator.rb
url_rewrite_children 5
url_rewrite_concurrency 50
url_rewrite_access allow internaldoms
url_rewrite_access deny all

remember to chmod +x coordinator.rb


require 'syslog'
require 'redis'

class Cache
        def initialize
        @host = "localhost"
        @db = "0"
        @port = 6379
        @redis = Redis.new(:host => @host, :port => @port)
        @redis.select @db

        def setvid(url,vid)
           return @redis.setex  "md5(" + vid+ ")",1200 ,url

        def geturl(vid)
           return @redis.get "md5(" + vid + ")"

        def sfdlid(url)
                        m = url.match(/^http:\/\/.*\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/(.*)/)
                        if m[1]
                                return m[1]
                                return nil

        def vimid(url)
                        m = url.match(/.*\.com\/(.*)(\?.*)/)
                        if m[1]
                                return m[1]
                                return nil

        def ytimg(url)
                m = url.match(/.*\.ytimg.com\/(.*)/)
                if m[1]
                        return m[1]
                        return nil

        def ytvid(url)

                id = getytid(url)
                itag = getytitag(url)
                range = getytrange(url)
                redirect = getytredirect(url)
                if id == nil
                        return nil
                        vid = id
                if itag != nil
                        vid = vid + "&" + itag
                if range != nil
                        vid = vid + "&" + range
                if redirect != nil
                        vid = vid + "&" + redirect
                return vid

                def getytid(url)
                        m = url.match(/(id\=[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/)
                        return m.to_s if m != nil

                def getytitag(url)
                        m = url.match(/(itag\=[0-9\-\_]+)/)
                        return m.to_s if m != nil

                def getytrange(url)
                        m = url.match(/(range\=[0-9\-]+)/)
                        return m.to_s if m != nil

                def getytredirect(url)
                        m = url.match(/(redirect\=)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/)
                        return (m.to_s + Time.now.to_i.to_s) if m != nil


def rewriter(request)
                case request

                when /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.squid\.internal\/.*/
                   url = $cache.geturl(request)
                   if url != nil
                      return url
                      return ""
                  return ""
                when /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/.*/
                  vid = $cache.sfdlid(request)
                  $cache.setvid(request, "http://dl.sourceforge.net.squid.internal/" + vid) if vid != nil
                  url = "http://dl.sourceforge.net.squid.internal/" + vid if vid != nil
                  return url
                when /^http:\/\/av\.vimeo\.com\/.*/
                  vid = $cache.vimid(request)
                  $cache.setvid(request, "http://vimeo.squid.internal/" + vid) if vid != nil
                  url = "http://vimeo.squid.internal/" + vid if vid != nil
                  return url
                when /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.c\.youtube\.com\/videoplayback\?.*id\=.*/
                  vid = $cache.ytvid(request)
          $cache.setvid(request, "http://youtube.squid.internal/" + vid) if vid != nil
          url = "http://youtube.squid.internal/" + vid if vid != nil
          return url
                when /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.ytimg\.com\.*/
                   vid = $cache.ytimg(request)
           $cache.setvid(request, "http://ytimg.squid.internal/" + vid) if vid != nil
           url = "http://ytimg.squid.internal/" + vid if vid != nil
           return url
                when /^quit.*/
                  exit 0
                 return ""

def log(msg)
 Syslog.log(Syslog::LOG_ERR, "%s", msg)

def main

        Syslog.open('cordinator.rb', Syslog::LOG_PID)

        #read_requests do |request|
        while request = gets.split
                if request[0] && request[1]
                        log("original request [#{request.join(" ")}].") if $debug
                        url = request[0] +" " + rewriter(request[1])
                        log("modified response [#{url}].") if $debug
                        puts url
                        puts ""
$debug = false
$cache = Cache.new
STDOUT.sync = true

⚠️ Disclaimer: Any example presented here is provided "as-is" with no support
or guarantee of suitability. If you have any further questions about
these examples please email the squid-users mailing list.

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